
Finding The Best Broadband Deals


Dial-up internet is slowly but surely being phased out with more and more households turning to a broadband connection instead. But with so many providers around, each offering a different package, finding the right one for you may seem like an uphill struggle.

There are some things to consider when shopping around for a broadband provider if you want to get the best deal. First of all, as with anything, think about your budget. How much can you afford to spend per month on your broadband? And how much do you expect to use it, and for what purpose?

If you intend to use the internet for downloading or viewing a lot of sites, you'll need to take into account any usage limits. Some providers like the Post Office offer a low monthly cap of 5MB, which is enough for a light to medium user who doesn't need to download much. For the media fans, a higher download cap will be needed, or even an unlimited one.

There has been a lot of controversy regarding certain providers and their appalling customer service, so if you're not technologically minded, and anticipate needing help with your broadband connection, then ask friends and family to recommend a provider with a good reputation for customer service. If you already have internet access then look on review sites for feedback.

Don't go just on price alone. Cheap broadband may not be as cheap as you think. Take into account any hidden costs, and read all the small print. For example, you may find a package which charges just 9.99 per month, which on the face of it seems fantastic, but there may be an extortionate set-up fee, and a charge for the equipment too. Also find out about any cancellation fees that may apply if you decide to cancel before the end of your monthly contract.

Which brings us to our next point. Many providers prefer to you sign up with them for a minimum amount of time, usually 12 months, and you can incur a hefty fee if you wish to leave early. This isn't a problem if you're happy with your provider, but if you experience problems and want to switch, it may prove expensive. There are some providers stating that they don't have a minimum contract term, but they will still charge you if you leave before a certain period of time, so this amounts to the same thing.

Finally, look to the companies you are already with to see if they provide broadband internet. You may be able to get a cheaper deal as an existing customer from your cable TV, mobile phone or even utility provider.

Want broadband? Find cheap broadband by comparing broadband internet providers online.

J Tillotson is a UK author specialising in technology and communications.

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Broadband - Securing Your System


Considering the wealth of methods that malicious users employ to gain access to other people's machines, you would expect the general public to be better protected while online.

However, a survey conducted in 2004 found that even though 63% of respondents thought they had a firewall protecting their system, only 33% actually had a live firewall. Moreover, 77% of respondents had the general thought that their computers were safe.

It would seem that the general public are aware of the threats of the internet, but not as clued up as they should be on how to prevent any malicious attacks. For instance, 67% of the respondents either, did not have a virus checker or had not updated it recently.

The first and most commonly overlooked step when securing ones PC is the physical aspect. For instance, at work, you should always lock your workstation so that no one else can gain access to your information.

At home, younger members of the family are often prone to installing generally useless pieces of software which may be "piggybacked" with malicious spyware or malware. It is therefore, important to educate your family on what to look out for when downloading.

Most users are now aware that having both firewall and antivirus software is vital if they are going to be using the internet. What is often overlooked though is the requirement to keep both of these applications up-to-date, as new viruses are being released daily.

There is a myriad of internet security packages available, some free, some not, and each have their pro's and con's. Consumer reviews are probably the best way to determine which company has the right package for you.

Lastly, a great deal of broadband safety does lie within the users' hands. So a certain degree of "common sense" is required when using your broadband.

So, in conclusion, when using your broadband, always be on the look out for any suspicious activity.

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